
Target selfies with my best friend!

Hey guys!!! This whole weekend I stayed with my friend it was so much fun and we also went to the beach with two other friends!!! Love them there names are Taylor and chanhee! The whole day we went to all these stores! We played our favorite songs like Fergielicious and all these other black eyes pea songs! Every store we went to we would choose out clothes for other people to wear! It was so much fun! I really want to do it again! Have you ever had a really great weekend with yours friends? We'll i sure did! Here are some pictures! (Only me and one friend) I have a picture of me grabbing a vine from a tree it's not a rope but it's part of the tree! Awesome. There was also a birds ness that fell out and we filled it with purple flowers! Thanks for reading! ( it's a little bit messy this post but still lots of pictures!! Hope you loved it! Remember to always be Totally you! 

1 comment :

  1. Aw that was so funnnn<3
    love you babes!~
    great post btw :D


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XOXO, Thaya